Monday, May 10, 2010

3 More Weeks

This is the third week of class. We are looking at ning and facebook. Particularly the applications and features these sites have that can be used in the business field and in education. What stood out to me this week were the topics in the discussions "Should a teacher be penalized for making negative comments about a student?" and "What application could be created on Facebook?".  I was put between a rock and a hard place on the situation with the teacher. However, it made me aware of problems that can arise with facebook and the teaching profession. It also made me review the privacy setting on facebook and other social sites. As with the other topic at first I was lost. I could not think of any application that was not already in place. But when my mind got on gear I came up with many that could be used in the field of education. I think that music and sound could be added to facebook. Being able to record instructions will help slow readers and appeal to the audio learners

Thursday, April 29, 2010

4 More Weeks

It is week two of the EDU 651 and already I feel overwhelmed with the amount of information I have gained. I learned this week about different ways that you could use wikis. At first I thought it would be impossible to try this tool with my 3rd grade class but there are activities that would appeal to my students. I have also learn of different ways to manage wikis to avoid problems. I do believe that some of the strategies could be used in classroom based collaboration as well. I am looking forward to week 3